Reading is still relevant to enhancing our lives. We all need to be able to read, especially signage that warns us of danger, or instructions to follow in our daily lives.
I personally love reading and during the course of my life it has educated me, helped me with my spelling and been used for relaxation.
I recently babysat my grandchildren who were excited to read their school readers to me. It was a time to explore their books and chat about the content. I learnt a lot about Wolves.
Look at the smiles on the faces of the children in these photos. They were very excited to receive these books donated to the Clifton Springs Primary School to be used in their library as well as in the classroom libraries.
One of our Rotary members picked up 13 boxes of books for the school, identified as a school that would benefit from receiving these books from the charity 123readtome. Check out, 123read2me.org.au
Books were separated into 3 types:
1. Story Books, containing a short story with text and pictures.
2. Chapter Books, with text separated into chapters.
3. Picture Books. For the younger children.
The response from Principal Megan Parker from Clifton Springs Primary School:
“At CSPS reading is really important! A big thankyou from students and staff at the school for the generous donation of fabulous books from 123Read2Me and then coordinated by Bellarine North Rotary. The children are excited and really enjoying the new books in their library.”
Life has gotten busy. Parents are often both working and don’t get the time to spend reading with their children.
Some of our Rotary Club members are involved in volunteering with the schools Literacy Program which identifies the students at risk who need extra support for the basics of life such as reading for survival.
This is another area that Rotary can volunteer our time to make a difference to the formative lives of our future generations. Imagine a different life for the young children where we can support the parents who are time poor due to trying to make ends meet.
Would you like to explore what other areas Rotary gets involved with? Call for more information.
Publicity Officer
Bellarine North Rotary Club
Caroline Rickard
0408 989 221